Friday, December 11, 2009


So hi all, its been over a month and i have only logged on 2 times lol, 1time to say hi to old friend and once to train for 30min.........cant say im missing eo at all just a few ppl on it lol.
On a personal note im a very proud mother today ( well more then normal), my daughter savannah was elected school leader for 2010 ( a VERY big deal in australian primary schools lol) and my son jnr made student council. My kids never fail to astound me, and i love them all to death lol.
On a eo note, nothing happening, another dupe YAY!!! More decent players quit, more wankers started playing and in general another month of a not so painless death. Meddy is still "AWOL" idk if we be back at all.
Until next time
xxxooo ril

Thursday, November 19, 2009


hi all,
when i first met my wonderful ehusband i was a lowly lvl 15 and he was my idol at lvl 30 something lol. we disliked each other immensley and soon came to verbal arguments and
so we fast forward 12mths and he was still my idol and we got to know each other better and finally got married lol. sound like a love story???????? HELL NO. i admired him because in the age of speeders slowly taking over eo he hung firm to his belief that he could do it without a hack. he wasnt as quick to rise up the top 100 ranks as others around him but he did it slowly and steadily and i was always tagging behind wondering if i would ever catch him.
tonight at 8:28pm queensland time i caught my beloved and passed him and while part of me was cheering and saying YES, the other part had a sad heart. WHY? u ask, well to catch him cost me alot both personally and on eo. other ppl have tried so hard to seperate ttu through hate andn attacks and have ruined the game for us.i dont know if meddy will ever come back or if he even wants to but i can say after tonight i wont be back without him.
to me eo was a escape from stresses in life not a place to get stressed and upset even more, to the ppl who made eo this way for me WTFG u ppl think u r the know alls of life when in reality ur sad and pathetic and thank god i dont have to talk to u anymore. so before i say goodbye, farewell etc etc i want to list a few accomplishments i have made on eo and thank some ppl.

rilandsmrs accomplishments: NEVER USED HACKS
: MADE TOP 100

ppl i want to thank, in no order whatsoever and some i give a reason others for just bein nice lol:
schleprock aka ed (u taught me im ok to love and that there is light at the end of the tunnel)
trollmantiss aka mcfadden aka brad U KNOW Y
jvdls aka sessame u r the love of my life even after eo
and last but not least my e-husband and close friend MEDCATDVET.........U FUCKING ROCK MY BABES!!!!!!

idk if i will be back that all depends on meddy and my "real life", this blog will go on as i will know whats goin on through jas.

sorry for the
love you all
ril xxxooo

Thursday, November 12, 2009

2009 wanker awards

hi all just a quick update not much to talk about, more wankers coming out of the woodwork both on and off eo.......
so as 2009 draws to a close i thought we could acknowledge all those wankers in eo with my wanker awards, here u wont find niceties or love just simple categories of "wankness"
now in case u r not familiar with what classifies a wanker i will give u the aussie version of a wanker lol
WANKER: a person who spends a lot of time playin with his dick but has no brain
: a person who acts like they know it all but has no brain
: basically any idiot who doesnt use his brain and acts like a tool!!!!!

so far i have 8 categories for this kind of person and am looking for 2 more so if u have any suggestions plz feel free to add them lol......and yes meddy and i feature in a few categories we dont want ppl to think we r classic "wankers"


now plz be nice as this is for FUN ppl we all want to acknowledge those special ppl in our life that have earnt this "fame".
when this poll goes up i have made it vote only once poll and NO ONES vote will be nulled even if u r a wanker!!! i believe in free speech :p

so i look forward to holding this poll and handing out the coveted "wanker" award also known as "meddys cock head awards" lol loves ya meddy but i like the term wanker so much more :

till next time
xxxooo ril

Friday, November 6, 2009

Why are 'fair' player attacking other 'fair' players?


I dont know why, but it is clear that some fair players are attacking everything that is 'fair' and nothing else. People, we have a 'target rich' environment. Go attack a speeder, duper, a autoer, or just some dick who spams glb, but dont attack those who are on 'the same side'. I know many 'fair players' dont even play EO anymore. I know some 'fair players' do a couple quests, maybe level to 20, and think they have played EO. I dont really care how you play EO, but is there or isnt there a line drawn in the sand? Dont we have enough to do?

Everything seems blurred. Everyone attacks everyone. Why can not this stop. A very long time ago, i learned that with text, things can be taken wrong very fast. Text has no emotion, it has no inflection, no rise and pitch to ones' voice, to help the listener understand more of what the talker is saying. One may say something to two people, and one will be offended, and the other might not. Maybe people should think of this, before flaming someone. Maybe, just maybe, they didnt mean it the way, you took it.

Violence....... It has no place on the web. Ive been told i am violent. Yea, i can be. In real life. No point here,(EO) is there? I will defend whats mine. Real life should be off limits, unless you want it brought to your house too. But in EO......Why? . Its called emotion, and it is very hard to convey on text, i am no writer.(clearly?) I log on EO to PLAY it, not to attack people, not to run from attacks.... I dont even like being ksed' by speeders, suprised? hehe

I am done fighting, with neone that doesnt have a 3rd party hax. If you have no hax, i will walk or scroll. I am old, tired and weary of the fight. I am focusing my efforts where they need to be. If you are a haxer, be warned, i am gonna be well rested. (hehe, idk what it means, sounded good)

I guess my main point is..... Speeders are quite united, why arn't we?
Where is our 'trusted' list? <---Lol btw. MedCAt P.S. This post was in no way intended to make anyone mad. It is a call out. It is a truce request, for some. It is a line in the sand. Edit: Vote now for you favorite EO players

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


OK, caught your attention? lol, the last few weeks have been quite shaky and rude and i thought i could lighten things up a i am trying!!
just a few quick things then on to my main topic!
if you have come here to abuse..........leave
if you have come here to criticise my spelling or grammar.............leave
on that note please remember i am AUSTRALIAN......we do not spell every word the same as the u.s.a so many of what you percieve as simple mistakes are not!!
if you have come to discuss or leave a comment that has to do with this post ...........STAY lol

ok now onto my post i was sitting there the other day thinking what is the funniest thing i have seen or done on eo and decided it was time to fess
i JUNKED my aw key :(......yep thats right junked ,gone forever lol it happened in the very early hours of the morning and when i realised my mistake there was nothing i could do lol..........and im not the only one to have done know who you are so fess up :p
so i want you to tell me what is the funniest/stupidest thing you have done on eo or maybe its not you maybe its something you have seen someone else do.......either way lets have a laugh at ourselves and lighten up and remember that eo is a game to have fun on
bye for now ril xxxooo

p.p.s at the moment bajz has a award month goin on go check it out have a vote and a good lol as u trip down memory lane its all in good fun!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

"It's not my job"


Omfg does it seem like EO is dead? It probably is, i don't know, i wont look at it as dead. I will try to remain more optimistic, even if i am laughed at for it. But i do wonder something. Why have all of you given up?

" I know on EO that the Admins and Mods do not do that, but it’s still on them not us." (to moderate)

Man i have heard this from soOO many people. Oh, its true, none of us have the ability to wall, to warp someone to the maze, or ban them. Duh, really.
But to think we as a group, or even alone, cannot do nothing, is absurd. I say, thank god our soldiers don't think this way, our police, our fireman. "thats someone else's job" "Someone else will do it".......Really? Let it burn!

Don't these people think, that if EVERYONE kills autoers they see, they wont auto? (i do)
I think it IS ever fair PLAYERS (not social networkers) job, to kill on site, autoers and any other cheat you see. I dont really see a clean EO in the future. I do see EO at war. It is quite clearly the cheaters VS the rest of us. Can this 'war' be won? Hell.....idk, but that don't mean I wont fight it. I know some of you wont quit either.

And to address "I mean you can be a fair player, but it doesn't mean you need to stick it down every one elses throats. I can't even look at most of the eo blogs anymore. Fyi. Bebelush hasn't done anything wrong. You guys needa get your facts straight before shouting out bull shit. And Moha? moha doesn't speed xD"

We are not "sticking it down you throat" How did you come to this site? I know we didn't 'click'
you here.

As for you comments to the chars mentioned also....Bull shit? We have our facts straight. Do us all a favor? Go ask Bebe what she thinks we did to her, and what she had done in return. And, ask Moha if she speeds, in the middle of the night, alone(ish) in the corners of EO.....Want a vid clip?


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


im notmally a calm person, i tend to be nice but some ppl have pushed me over the limit. apparently due to my blog on devils ( fair players blog) some ppl say they got walled LMFFAO u deserve it u whinging little shits, dont take ur problems out on me because ur sorry asses got walled.
now having a go at me is fine i can laugh it off but no these big ETHUGS think they r so fucking tough sitting behind there keyboard they then proceded to threaten medcatdvets parents lives and then threatened to sexually asault and kill my kids...........R U GOD DAMN FUCKING SERIOUS?????????? u pathetic little cocks seriously need help a good psychiatrist might be able to help u but i think coming face to face with meddy or me in real life is better dont u?
this is a game ppl if u break the rules u get punished with any luck but to threaten ppls lives is just ridiculous, i wish to god u little fag asses lived in australia because ur ass would be dead right now
i have been told that these threats will come real if i continue blogging bout these speeding cheating cocks well i dont care u have now become my favourite blog conversation every time u fuck up im there.
lordshivall/ shivall whoever u r, bebelush and a countless amount of ur pathetic alts u hide behind bring it on!!!
i dont know what other ppl will have to say about this blog but i would be interested to hear ur views, and yes i know eo is a game but when u do this shit it takes this "game" to a new level i think dont u?

btw the blog is back to plain atm till i can figure out what i need to do to get satrs off but keep other elements there lol

till next time have fun and remember being a ETHUG is more pathetic then anything else especially when u really dont know who u r threatening

Sunday, October 18, 2009

another quick update lol

ok so i changed the white as i thought i was going blind.......... lol sorry my babes but white is OUT. this yellow is best i could find since it wont let me have glittery colours ( yes i know but come on guys i AM a chick u know :p ),there will be a proper post from me in next few days once i can get all the info i need........not easy as what im doing is hampered by pesky keylogger pages...........GRUNTAGE!!!!
on another quick note ttu is tryin to recruit but its so damn hard to find nice honest ppl these days that arent already in other nice clean fair guilds......wonder if a superguild might be an idea???? anyways idk its 1:30am and i not makin much sense lol
till next time keep havin honest fun
xxxooo ril
p.s ril is ok if u cant remember stell lol
p.p.s anyone know if u can add those nice colourful widgets to a blog like u get on myspace?????? and for the love of god a decent chatbox that doesnt lodge itself in my topic post???

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Look

As you can see, this is a work in progress :)

We are trying new looks, please make comment as to what we can do, or have done, that looks good. (tried to fit in do-do for u Dax) Please be constructive.

Short and sweet yes? hehe. We will post something normal soon. For now, see=


As always, see you IN game

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fair Players can play EO too- be suprised?

I just wanted to show, and will more, that non-speeders can do, and DO do, whatever the speeders can. Here you see not one, but two dragons being laddered. Laddering, what a forgotten art. We kill everything that is in EO. We can kill Apoz overlord, the new one. We can clear AW blocks with 4 or 5 AW, right at the door. We can do everything in EO. I will show us clearing the AW room, one of the hardest things in EO to do.
I have been told, that even at my level, i cannot tank a AW. ARE YOU KIDDING? You newb hsers have no damn idea. I've been tanking AW's since i was in my 40's. Speeders have no idea how to PLAY EO. I can come up to a dragon, or w/e and speed it dead, it is not hard. (no ive NEVER SPED!) A MORON can do this. The real talent is in knowing you are not able to do it alone, and using teamwork, u pawn. I have been told that i would die killing a simple proto. I can kill one, without the use of a single potion. I have been told that i cannot tank a dragon. I can, and while holding one also.
In short, all you fuc*ing speeders got no idea how to play this little game..... SAD! You sad bastards really think your the cream of the crop. Your the bottom of the barrel.
See, one thing you morns seem to forget. We EARNED our levels. Most of you, bought your chars, (from good friends who quit:( ...) and have no idea what your doing. I've seen it. Hell i killed 2 in Apoz overlord last night. (you know who you are)
Lastly, it is every fair players DUTY to KILL every autoer you see. Every speeders, low leveled must die too. Uniting will do little, but we must.

TTU is recruiting, we are looking for people who got a even a little excited at this post. you know the rules. No nothing but clean pure playing. If we can figure out how to fairly smoke them, we will win this war.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

when "fair" players turn bad

well hi everyone

well we promised controversial and here it is! now i pride myself on being a fair player i dont use hacks dont train with hackers i do all my levelling by myself. recently i hit lvl 71 and decided to reward myself by trying for a devil. i knew this wouldnt be an easy task but hey im up for challenges lol.well im not naive i know ppl speed in there but what shocked me was to find so called "fair" players and ppl i had actually respected, getting other ppl to hop on their accounts and speed a devil, panda or turtle for them.........sad yes?
so i decided to dig around a bit ask a few questions and see what the deal is.mohamadetta (excuse me if wrong spelling) told me she payed 140mil for someone to speed her 2 devils...waste of money in my opinion lol. xxwolfettexx will quite happily hop on ppls acc as long as their her friend and speed them a costume.and these r just 2 ppl on 2 nights apparently there r more ppl who will do it! makes me wonder tho what happens if u get walled while they zoom to eternity and back.....seems if ur a friend of wolfettes she just hops on msn tells vult it was her sob sob ur unwalled.
and the fair players what r there views? since they werent actually there during this time i can only go on heresay but this was the answer i was given when i asked about it. jocas: im not speed training him i just want a devil like i did for wafaa"
im sorry but WTF??????????? did u not speed to get thru h.o.p? did u not get at least some xp with spiders not to mention apo xp every damn time u sped him??but apparently if ur a "fair" player its all right as long as ur speeder friend dont "train" u.
now before the speeders all say im targeting them because i cant afford speed/ dont know how to use speed etc etc i will tell u that IF i wanted to join ur cheating ways i could in a flash.....but i prefer to play the game the fair way, the way it was intended.
now i do have screenies for all u ppl who might say jocas he would NEVER do this or u "twisted" my words if someone can tell me how to post thewm i would be quite happy to do it.
on a finishing note i'd like to say WTG to a certain person who used to speed but since seeing that meddy and i can do alot without speed has changed thier ways, u know who u r and i think u rock!
well tell me what u think about gettin ppl to speed u a costume. do u think that u should still be classed as a "fair" player????
bye ril

Monday, September 14, 2009

hi all, so ive tried for like 8hrs to log into eo no luck! i was getting more frustrated and angry with every failed attempt.after some quick blog lookups i found out that "allegedly" gruntlid is being a little baby and causing problems, now i dont know him except to know he speeds ( enough said ) and i will leave it to others to comment on his immature wanking on thier blogs.
so after a while i got to thinking y am i getting so upset this is just a game, i have enough games and not enough time to play them, plenty of books i want to read, 2 crosstitches to finish and a house to clean............maybe another time? lol. SO Y THE FEELING OF EMPTINESS????????
then it hit me, what im missing is my friends, these ppl from all over the world i share a little bit of time a day with. that led me to thinking about how we all have friends on eo but would those friendships survive if eo wasnt there? would the ppl who yell others names and go *hugs* and <3 all over global and chats remember me STELL in 6mths time with no eo? the egotistical side of me wants to scream HELL YES but the realistic side says probably not.
of course the ppl who matter most to me are on my msn and yahoo as well so i know they wont leave my life so quickly but without eo will those friendships survive? luckily for me i can say with 100% clarity YES.
but it does make me stop and think if all those ppl that r on my "friends" list real friends or just ppl i talk to occasionally? and will i remember them in 6mths time and will they remember me?
let me know what u think and how many of ur eo "friends" r really ur friends?
till next time

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hi ppl, i know med and i havent blogged for a while but reality has this bad habit of interfering with eo :( lol), but the american summer is over and the aussie winter has come and gone and life is back to some sense of normality! lol.
for me its been a long painful 3mths and while i wont delve into the ins and outs of my illness i would just like to say a big thankyou to jvdls aka jason for being there through all my tests holding my hand whilst the pain has been bad and making ENDLESS amounts of fruit salad ( sadly one of only handful of things i am able to eat at this time), also for the massages that did help!
and on my other side another very big thankyou to meddy u may be over 1000miles away from me in body but u have been there every step of the way , listening when i needed to rant at odd hours logging onto msn and eo even though ur reality needed u too. u have been the best of a friend supporting me and i know u will keep supporting me no matter how long it take for me to get well.
so to the 2 MAIN men in my life tyvm x 1000000000 and i love u both!!

now onto the eo news!!!! lol
TTU is back despite the best effforts of ppl to discredit med jas and i u failed and we have decided to bring ttu fully back to life. we are currently recruiting but we want to make this 100% clear no hacks or endorsements of hacks will be tolerated in ttu. we are a "fair player" guild, who believe along with other guilds such as JEt, SCS and VVV that eo can be played fairly and SHOULD be played fairly.
so if u want a fun (ok maybe a bit whacky) guild that likes to level, help each other and most of all ENJOY a cheat free eo then give us a yell!!
current recruiters u can pm in game are of course MEDCATDVET, RILANDSMRS,JVDLS,SLAYERLEO AND TROLLMANTISS.
as a leader of ttu i would also like to take this chance to say tyvm to the ppl who stuck up for ttu and its members in the last 2months , u know who u r and we value ur support, for the ppl who tried to discredit us, with some horrific lies and personal attacks u failed big time and instead of destroying us u made us stronger and more headstrong in our beliefs then ever before.
ok till the next post have fun playing eo in the way it was intended, cheat free!!!!!!!!!
xxxxoooo ril

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

27 July 2009 Event Part 1

Hello my fellow Eo’inites. Today I would like to announce a EO EVENT!!! (said with echoes)…. This even will be website based, more then EO, so check back often. For now, all you get to know of it is, well….. nothing. Simply, in comments, recommend what you would like to see as THE prize for a EO EVENT!!!(echoes)

Just a thought, make em kinda big. No “hod”, or “scav”….think bigger.(500k+) What will be required to win this event, will not be small.

Other news….. Forums are down, but you all know this by now. Question time= If layered tech is the one who shut down the forums, will EO be next? With this being the way EO will be perceived perhaps it is a matter of time. I do wish one of the admins, (V) would post to EO's main site, and let his little pixeled world know whats going on. Do you think they might like the rumors flying, or dont care?

Who thinks it is kinda funny, someone, or someones' will be receiving a felony, and have to register as a sex offender, wherever they live, for the rest of their life, for this.(wonder if they think it funny now?) I do feel quite bad for the female, who made the mistake of trust, to this nub, i hope she receives justice.

Well thats it for now, much to comment on, yes??
As always, see u "in game"


P.S> little something for the stat whores -taken a few levels back, too :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ok ppl here goes my first "proper" blog, lol bare with me leave me comments and enjoy!


i am so sick of logging on to eo to be abused.whether its abuse towards me or just abuse in general its getting very boring and can no longer go on global without some idiot saying a "yo mamma"joke, or abusing someone because they think they are tough. it used to be global was there for merching or letting all of eo to know something, now we have non stop advertising of private servers, sick idiots looking for sex on webcam,girls willing to sell sex for gold,and everything in between.

when did we as a "community" start saying this was ok to do. when did the ppl of eo stop caring about how they treated each other and started caring more about how much "tougher" they were or how much better they were? where in your everyday life do u get away with calling ppl the names u do on eo or disrespecting ppl?

i can hear some of u already saying "gee its a game lighten up" but that is my point EXACTLY, it is a game designed to have fun socialise and relax, if i wanted to hear abuse that we see on global hourly I'm sure i could find it in my "real life" very quickly.i personally find it very offending to be called a bitch/slut/whore and i can guarantee u that there r plenty more like me who don't find it fun.maybe before u call someone on eo something derogatory u should stop and think " would i say that to anyone in my life that i deal with"? if the answer is NO then don't waste ur time typing it on a game.

so back to my topic header i feel its all about RESPECT ppl, respect ur fellow players they r ppl just like u who dont deserve ur rantings because u want to feel "cool"
but most of all RESPECT urself, because at the end of the day the way u feel about urself will shine through, those with self respect always get much further in this life............

till next time
ril xxxooo

ShoutMix chat widget

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

28 July 2009 Goodbye Endless Report

EllllOOOO all.......

I am gonna say, i did like blogging for wiki. What i didnt like, was all the rules i had to follow. Here i have no such restraints, YEAAAA!!!! (ut-oh)

Well...... To Prince Wiki.....(why prince, idk ask him, i find it odd myself).. Why did u hire EO bloggers to stifle them? I posted that i was gonna do interviews, and more, for his site. His response, to come out of retirement, and talk about a MOVIE?>?>?>> wtf? The way i see it, he was a little worried, cus i was getting popular. OUCH. Ntm, pointing out my post, as his reason for coming back, like we didnt all see that anyway. I am sorry, but this is more like a princess, then a prince. I used to think you were a fake poser. Then i decided to join your blog, when u advertised for new reporters. I did what you asked, hell i was nice, and cordial like you asked. Well, long story short, i still think you fake.

As for some EO news.......

Who is stealing from Arvid? This i dont know. But... what i do know is.... He has your I.P. He has your whereabouts, and is working on getting you put in jail. Dont people understand you cannot steal from another. I.E. ATLAS???? All i can say is this, if you made,helped made, play on, or even know of a mirror serve delete it. "My brother did it" wont work here.

There is/has been rumors of the V29 coming soon. All i can to this is.... idk (hehe)
Nono, :P I have heard and seen this rumor, coming up more and more. Of all the friends i have on eo (.6), i cannot substantiate this. I do think it is coming, the signs are there.

Well, as always, see you in game :P


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

sorry people i know we said that we would post in the next few days when we made site but life has a way of getting in the way of eo lol. as of this moment meddy and i are taking a long earnt break for a couple of weeks to deal with our "real life" lol.
for the next couple of weeks excpect to see us less on eo (yes go on and sigh with relief lol)and this blog has taken a backseat but we WILL be back soon with a great first "real" blog.
on a personal note tyvm to those who are supporting me at the moment i appreciate ur kind thoughts while i sort out my health
anyways love to u all

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hi people of eo,welcome to a blog where you will get all the hard hitting non political talk of eo. this site will go where most dare not to. the controversial, the unpopular and sometimes downright unsavoury aspects of eo. whilst we admire plenty of other blog sites that are out there meddy and i feel that something is lacking .
please bare with us as we get this site up and running, as i have had absolutely 0 experience in blog sites lol, (tyvm to rettan for helping me out with a few bloggin things btw).
ok so who are we????????? well im rilandsmrs aka stell and ive been playing eo for almost 2yrs now.i believe that im a fair honest player and would like to make eo a fun clean place to be again. if you have any comments please feel free to leave them along with suggestions but we ask you try to be respectful to us and mainly to yourself!
Ello all I am Medcatdvet, or medcat to most.
I have been playing for over 2 years now. I train a lot! Most of you will find that I am kinda rude, if you don’t know this already. Lol.
I am a blogger for this, new site. I will do my best to report the truth, as I see it, on all things EO.
Me and my EO wife, Rilandsmrs, will be the contributors to this blog, and we hope you will come, and come often
Comments are loved, but please, keep it EO, no real life dramas here.
Many other site love that, drama… We Love EO. So, if you have the same love, join us in our quest for a clean, fun EO once again.
so look back in a few days and we hope to have our first "real"blog for you to read. i assure you it will be "out there , funny and maybe a bit sad too"
Bye for now ril and meddy