Tuesday, July 28, 2009

27 July 2009 Event Part 1

Hello my fellow Eo’inites. Today I would like to announce a EO EVENT!!! (said with echoes)…. This even will be website based, more then EO, so check back often. For now, all you get to know of it is, well….. nothing. Simply, in comments, recommend what you would like to see as THE prize for a EO EVENT!!!(echoes)

Just a thought, make em kinda big. No “hod”, or “scav”….think bigger.(500k+) What will be required to win this event, will not be small.

Other news….. Forums are down, but you all know this by now. Question time= If layered tech is the one who shut down the forums, will EO be next? With this being the way EO will be perceived perhaps it is a matter of time. I do wish one of the admins, (V) would post to EO's main site, and let his little pixeled world know whats going on. Do you think they might like the rumors flying, or dont care?

Who thinks it is kinda funny, someone, or someones' will be receiving a felony, and have to register as a sex offender, wherever they live, for the rest of their life, for this.(wonder if they think it funny now?) I do feel quite bad for the female, who made the mistake of trust, to this nub, i hope she receives justice.

Well thats it for now, much to comment on, yes??
As always, see u "in game"


P.S> little something for the stat whores -taken a few levels back, too :)


  1. Hey Med not sure how long ago you last visited the forums, b4 they were shut down. However
    some of those immature losers who unfortunately play endless, had thought it would be "funny" to post kiddie porn, and links to kiddie porn, on the boards. They had been reported and we think this is why layeredtech, shut down the forums.

    This does not mean however Eo, wont be next.
    Chances are upon investigating the content that had been reported, Layeredtech, most likely will send someone to eo to see what kind of things are going on there, where it is classed as a "childs" game.
    After seeing the offense and abusive behavior that lately has been going on in eo, as stell pointed out previous blog.
    We may find Eo shut down forever. :(

  2. K, i kno dis is late but dis fail blog is fail.

  3. Mystic, thats a bunch of bull crap really. I have no idea what they posted in the forums but as far as the game goes NO one ever categorized it as a kids game. its not a kids game. games on the internet are for anyone not just bratty ass kids. I do NOT agree with alot of things that happen online but its up to the parents of the kids to decide what a kids get to be on NOT Vult-r or any other game maker. Take Sims or the game called second life, you can have virtual sex with people on those games and Im not just talking about squatting down in front of someone and making heart symbols like on EO. Kids get on those games all the time. That is the parents faults not the game makers. That would be like dropping your child off at the bar and getting mad because they saw a bunch of people drinking and kissing. Watch your kids! thats the answer!!!!!!


  4. the average age of online gamers, is......36.
