Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ok ppl here goes my first "proper" blog, lol bare with me leave me comments and enjoy!


i am so sick of logging on to eo to be abused.whether its abuse towards me or just abuse in general its getting very boring and can no longer go on global without some idiot saying a "yo mamma"joke, or abusing someone because they think they are tough. it used to be global was there for merching or letting all of eo to know something, now we have non stop advertising of private servers, sick idiots looking for sex on webcam,girls willing to sell sex for gold,and everything in between.

when did we as a "community" start saying this was ok to do. when did the ppl of eo stop caring about how they treated each other and started caring more about how much "tougher" they were or how much better they were? where in your everyday life do u get away with calling ppl the names u do on eo or disrespecting ppl?

i can hear some of u already saying "gee its a game lighten up" but that is my point EXACTLY, it is a game designed to have fun socialise and relax, if i wanted to hear abuse that we see on global hourly I'm sure i could find it in my "real life" very quickly.i personally find it very offending to be called a bitch/slut/whore and i can guarantee u that there r plenty more like me who don't find it fun.maybe before u call someone on eo something derogatory u should stop and think " would i say that to anyone in my life that i deal with"? if the answer is NO then don't waste ur time typing it on a game.

so back to my topic header i feel its all about RESPECT ppl, respect ur fellow players they r ppl just like u who dont deserve ur rantings because u want to feel "cool"
but most of all RESPECT urself, because at the end of the day the way u feel about urself will shine through, those with self respect always get much further in this life............

till next time
ril xxxooo


  1. r-e-s-p-e-c-t find out what it means to me... ( a old song yes?)

    I think this is psychological. These kiddies flame, cus they are low on themselves, and think the way to feel better is to make others feel as they really do. Like shit. :P they are all emo kiddies, trying to draw attention, because their parents don't show them any. hehe

  2. Well Bro, its called freedom of speech. I do NOT agree with all of it but its what our military fights for everyday.

    If we as "Free" people start controlling any aspect of speech then the constitution is null and void. of coarse with the exception of threats and such. (which also happen.) uggg :()

    I know what your saying though & I do agree that it sucks but until the maker of the game sees a problem with it. nothing can be done.

    I equate it to "the bad part of town" so to speak. I know if I go into the bad part of town Im gonna see & hear some bad stuff.

    So, I stay clear of it.


  3. I remember the 'good old days', logging in, and having fun. Now, to have fun, you gotta make sure your in a less populated area or on when less people are. When i first started EO, i could go to the dragons, and ask to join a line, and be welcomed. Now, their are like 4 speeders, and no line, no teamwork, no nothing.

    I do hope the maker of the game' will do something. Otherwise, we may be staying clear, of Eo, all together.

  4. I agree, and as you and I spoke earlier this week, you are aware of what I've been going through.
    What people tend to forget sometimes, is that on the other end of the pixel sits a living person.
    Whether the attack is random, or inflicted on a personal matter, by some sad form of a person or even a friend joking. Sometimes it stings, more then someone might think.
    I hate the term, "It's only a Game." b/c
    if you think about it its not exactly only a game. You are playing a game, but with hundreds of real people, just like you.
    All week, I have been thinking about it wondering what on earth did I do, to deserve such treatment, as to someone messing with me like that for days.
    The only answer I could think of was nothing.
    As much I dislike the people who
    did that to me, I wouldn't wish the same onto them.
    That type of thing is hard to deal with, can leave you bad tempered. Or wondering who all around you are really friends or sneaking behind your back, and just pretending. leaving you feeling quite alone, depressed and arguementive.

  5. I also have to agree, this is just a game but we come on here to be carefree and enjoy ourselves. Why do we have to worry about who we'll run into, or what they'll say??
    I had a rough childhood, it's bad enough in the real world why bring it to EO??

    5 Kudos Stell

  6. I do agree with you both. I try my best to stay clear of it as well. I also remember not that long ago a more friendly EO. Just a few years ago & then what I call " The Change"
    took place.

    I am not exactly positive what that entailed but it happened. Prices went crazy, People became meaner & the Wild virtual west began.

    I also know what you feel like Mystic, Concerning the other end of the connection situation. Your correct. There is a real life person at the other end...

    I played a game called DF2 "Delta force 2" for over 9 years. lol yeah 9 years! and met what I consider still to this day some of my best friends in the entire world.

    I also met some of the rudest meanest individuals that ever walked the face of the earth in that time. A few years back I drove 27.5 hours to Ocala Florida to visit one of my friends that I met on that game & he invited me into his home to stay just like I was his next door neighbor.

    I know a lot of people think that is weird but I felt as if I knew him as well as anyone could know someone. We had a good visit.

    I also have a friend by the name of Jimmy Watson that I met on that game and we are still to this day very close. We keep in phone contacts and I talk to him more than most of my family. I have always tried to be on the up and up with people whether it upsets them or not I say what I am thinking.

    I never tell you one thing and then tell someone else something else behind your back. A Lot of people think thats a bad way to be But... I want people to know when it comes to me. "What you see is what you get." Im the type of guy that can have a fist fight with you and then go hang out together in the next 5 minutes. LOL.

    It was funny last night I was on the game & I consider myself fairly game wealthy. NO not bragging, but I do OK. I had a little fellow setting in the Aeven square last night yelling "WIll trade 3 weapons for a pair of White or black boots!" I walked up to him and said

    "hey man, I have some in my locker you can have."

    he replied with "OK"... We walked to the bank and I gave him the boots. I noticed that he had a newbish weapon so I asked him what other weapons he had, With the intentions of giving him a good one for free.

    He looked at me and said "NONE IM GONNA GIVE YOU!" LOL I was like WOW!!!
    People never fail to amaze me.


  7. O.o i play delta force elite 2, idk if it is the same series, but sure seems. :)
    Its a novaworld game, u play online combat sim.

  8. i understand the freedom of speech thing even though i am not american but i also believe in not making ppl feel like shit just because u can. as for the person harrasing u for a week dawn sounds like they seriously need some psychiatric help this is y i have my "whispers" off 99% of time now

  9. Yea, that would have worked for me too, except that it wasn't excluded to whispers, they'd track me down ignored now though.
    Ironically, my brother just sent me this link
    All though its not Eo related, it fits this subject nicely.

  10. 'freedom of speech" Not
    "freedom to ridicule"

    Which, u can get a restraining order for, harassment, in the real world, wish EO had a 'No come on same map" order.

    Be funny, but some people, (like me--hehe) wouldn't be able to move of off Aeven, LOL.

  11. Lmfao Med, now that would be cool =)

  12. Hell I get more respect from The Mafia than the Eo "Community"

  13. There is no freedom of speech on the internet, everything is dictated by laws in the physical location of the host and by the admins of that web space. That aside, this is pretty much a pointless post. Many people on EO are disrespectful because they see no need to give respect. They see there is no consequence to their actions and feel they are morally unobligated since it isn't "real life", so to them there is no reason not to act however they please. Without moderation in the game they will continue to be this way, so the best thing to do is just add these people to your ignore list and only concern yourself with the more respectable players.

  14. Yup Medcat, It is a Novalogic game. XD
    We ran servers from all over the world and hosted the "Black Flag League" every year along with SOS, SBS, OSS, TAG, SR, GW, USLF, and of coarse in my opinion the best DF2 squad.
    *CSI* "chiWaWa Soldiers Incorporated" XD...
    I really miss that game. Its still up but not many play anymore. What was your name on it bro???


  15. its...MEDCAT hehe

    I am on Delta force elite 2, they are different, yes?
    I think elite 2, just recently came out, like this year. :)

  16. There is one small problem with igging all that offend us Jason. That being that 75% of EO would be on our ignore lists.

    lol..I do agree, that would be funny Cuz.
    Though many would probably use to keep whole spots to themselves and no one would be able to train.

  17. just so theres no confusion folks jason thats commenting here is not MY jason lol

  18. Doesn't matter if you find it to be a problem or not, it is the only solution with the current level of moderation EO has. Either do it or don't, that's your choice. Complaining that there is a lack of respect and that people need to start showing more respect is not going to change anything.

  19. to wawa - "well, does it?"

    I Love Barkley.

    And to Jason, Is this complaining, or blogging
    ? Cus what your doing is clearly lookin for attention huh.

  20. Pointing out the only solution to the problem addressed in your post is seeking attention how, exactly? Comments are meant for discussing the merits and flaws of a post, not for kissing the ass of the poster. Exepcting things to change just because you complain about them and say they should be another way is incredibly naive, and is not going to change anything. You don't like it, tough cookies. I'm not going to just say it's a good post and pretend like it's going to help when it most certainly is not.

  21. and even more.,.. Lol

    The forums are dead

  22. Still waiting for how. If you can't handle people not agreeing with everything you post and debating the topics then you aren't ready for a blog. You can keep saying I'm looking for attention instead of actually replying to my comments if you want. I find it very amusing that you can't come up with anything of worth to say on the subject and have to rely on childish antics to hide your lack of rebuttal.

  23. Dont try to match wits with me.

    I am glad i amuse you however, this makes me happy. Childish antics....?? kk

    If i were childish, i would just delete your comments. Wawa is making me observe free speech newa. ( :) ty for the light btw ) But, if i must....

    You do realize your doing the exact thing your flaming, pointing out something for its merits and flaws. (your complaining, about the complaining)

    With all these comments, yours is the only negative one, this is how your seeking attention. Didnt think i had to point that out tho, but ok.

    As far as future b.s. with you, expect none. Ill do what everyone one else here did, ignore you... :)
    Again, i am glad i amuse you. BYE

  24. Few points:

    1. I never flamed anyone, not exactly sure where you got that from. I did state my opinion of the post and offered the only real solution to the problem addressed in the post, but that does not in any way shape or form constitute a flame. If you think I did, please show me where.

    2. Again, how is stating an opinion and offering a solution to a problem seeking attention? This is how intelligent discussions work. You think every person who has ever had an opinion that is different from yours is seeking attention? Every person who has ever been in a debate on a subject? If I had said something like "OMG u fail this sux lololol" or something idiotic like that, you would be justified in saying I'm seeking attention. Unfortunately for you I never said anything even remotely close to that. So again, I would love for you to show me how my comments are attention seeking instead of the logical points they actually were.

    3. You are indeed behaving like a child. You incorrectly took offense at a comment that was not meant to be offensive, and then you started throwing around baseless accusations instead of actually discussing the points of the comment. You continue to make accusations even though you are completely wrong, and when presented with how you are wrong you either completely misunderstand or you just ignore it. I have yet to do anything that could be considered flaming or attention seeking. The only thing I am guilty of is offering help and hoping for a mature and intelligent discussion.

    Ignore me if you want, I will count that as a concession on your part. Not that you really had any actual argument in the first place.

  25. If i had no argument in the first place, why do you continue to argue. It is clear, you are quite angry.
    Yes you are very logical, is this your intention?
    I was not incorrect. You are quite obviously angry, and have been this whole thread. Count this as the end, of my discussion with you.

    Gosh, i hope you dont reply angrily again..... "Complaining that there is a lack of respect and that people need to start showing more respect is not going to change anything." hmmm.....
    fuck off...... (first childish thing i said, and proud of it)

  26. I was gonna stay out of this all together, but I think this should be said:
    " Flaming is a hostile and insulting interaction between internet users. An internet user typically generates a flame response to other posts and users posting on a site, and such a response is usually not constructive, does not clarify a discussion and does not presuade others.
    Sometimes flamers attempt to assert their authority, or establish a position of superiority over other users.
    Often times a flamer is simply an individual who believes he or she carries the only valid opinion. This leads him or her to personally attack those who disagree. In some cases flamers wish to upset and offend other members of the discussion. In which they can be called "trolls". Most often however, flames are angry or insulting messages transmitted by people who have strong feelings about the subject."

    Um, Med I consider you a very good friend and like you very much. However from where I sit on this end, (maybe I'm wrong or misreading) but Jasons not are. :s

  27. I was going to post a long comment on how I am astonished that you continue to misunderstand and misinterpret my comments, and how you continue being so INCREDIBLY wrong with your accusations, but instead I'll just say concession accepted. You've made it thoroughly clear that you either lack the capability to or just simply refuse to understand a single thing I've said to you. Maybe when you've worked on your reading comprehension a little bit you will come back and be able to realize how wrong you are and be able to laugh at your ignorance, just like I am right now.

  28. And yeah, you might consider that a flame, but I just can't bother to care anymore since you can't bother to actually read my comments or make accurate replies.

  29. However Jason yours wasn't flame yet you were rather rude about, things, and to Stell, thats just as bad.

  30. ok i was staying out of this until now. jason u made a big deal of "freedom of speech" well it seems med is coppin a lot of shit for his right to say what he wants.
    as for "whinging" about ppl being rude i was just giving MY personal feelings on the matter,as was everyone else.obviously different ppl deal with this issue in different ways gl to u jason in how u deal with it but i would like MY blog not to be a place for personal attacks by ANYONE
    ril xxxooo

  31. I was not rude until rudeness was brought against me, the most I did was be straightforward about everything without sugar coating anything. The only person I was rude to was MedCat but that was due to his constant attempts at instigation and childish behavior. Also, I never said anyone was whining about anything, I said complaining, which is what it was (expressing discontent). I wasn't denoting any sort of negative feeling towards the action, I was merely describing the action. I never made any sort of personal attack, I stated the reason why just telling people to be more respectful won't work and then went on to offer the only solution that will actual work at this point in time. That's it. When replied to that it would be a hassle, I quite calmly and straightforwardly stated that it was your choice to do it, but that also it is the only thing that is going to work with how little EO is moderated. I never attacked anyone or their opinion, the most I said was that thinking that asking people to change alone would help is naive. That's no more insulting than saying that thinking "all strangers are nice people who won't hurt me" is naive.

    Also, for corrections sake, I never made a big deal about freedom of speech. I mentioned that freedom of speech doesn't truly exist on the internet, but that was just a side note to the main point of my comment.
