Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hi people of eo,welcome to a blog where you will get all the hard hitting non political talk of eo. this site will go where most dare not to. the controversial, the unpopular and sometimes downright unsavoury aspects of eo. whilst we admire plenty of other blog sites that are out there meddy and i feel that something is lacking .
please bare with us as we get this site up and running, as i have had absolutely 0 experience in blog sites lol, (tyvm to rettan for helping me out with a few bloggin things btw).
ok so who are we????????? well im rilandsmrs aka stell and ive been playing eo for almost 2yrs now.i believe that im a fair honest player and would like to make eo a fun clean place to be again. if you have any comments please feel free to leave them along with suggestions but we ask you try to be respectful to us and mainly to yourself!
Ello all I am Medcatdvet, or medcat to most.
I have been playing for over 2 years now. I train a lot! Most of you will find that I am kinda rude, if you don’t know this already. Lol.
I am a blogger for this, new site. I will do my best to report the truth, as I see it, on all things EO.
Me and my EO wife, Rilandsmrs, will be the contributors to this blog, and we hope you will come, and come often
Comments are loved, but please, keep it EO, no real life dramas here.
Many other site love that, drama… We Love EO. So, if you have the same love, join us in our quest for a clean, fun EO once again.
so look back in a few days and we hope to have our first "real"blog for you to read. i assure you it will be "out there , funny and maybe a bit sad too"
Bye for now ril and meddy

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