Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hi ppl, i know med and i havent blogged for a while but reality has this bad habit of interfering with eo :( lol), but the american summer is over and the aussie winter has come and gone and life is back to some sense of normality! lol.
for me its been a long painful 3mths and while i wont delve into the ins and outs of my illness i would just like to say a big thankyou to jvdls aka jason for being there through all my tests holding my hand whilst the pain has been bad and making ENDLESS amounts of fruit salad ( sadly one of only handful of things i am able to eat at this time), also for the massages that did help!
and on my other side another very big thankyou to meddy u may be over 1000miles away from me in body but u have been there every step of the way , listening when i needed to rant at odd hours logging onto msn and eo even though ur reality needed u too. u have been the best of a friend supporting me and i know u will keep supporting me no matter how long it take for me to get well.
so to the 2 MAIN men in my life tyvm x 1000000000 and i love u both!!

now onto the eo news!!!! lol
TTU is back despite the best effforts of ppl to discredit med jas and i u failed and we have decided to bring ttu fully back to life. we are currently recruiting but we want to make this 100% clear no hacks or endorsements of hacks will be tolerated in ttu. we are a "fair player" guild, who believe along with other guilds such as JEt, SCS and VVV that eo can be played fairly and SHOULD be played fairly.
so if u want a fun (ok maybe a bit whacky) guild that likes to level, help each other and most of all ENJOY a cheat free eo then give us a yell!!
current recruiters u can pm in game are of course MEDCATDVET, RILANDSMRS,JVDLS,SLAYERLEO AND TROLLMANTISS.
as a leader of ttu i would also like to take this chance to say tyvm to the ppl who stuck up for ttu and its members in the last 2months , u know who u r and we value ur support, for the ppl who tried to discredit us, with some horrific lies and personal attacks u failed big time and instead of destroying us u made us stronger and more headstrong in our beliefs then ever before.
ok till the next post have fun playing eo in the way it was intended, cheat free!!!!!!!!!
xxxxoooo ril


  1. Ril- sorry to hear you have been ill; I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Ril, Medcat, and Jason good luck with TTU. It a slow time for guilds right now but I'm sure you will find some awesome recruits.

  2. Good luck to you TTU! Take care, Dizney

  3. tyvm mountaingirl and dizney, we know its slow but im hopeful with more ppl crying out against cheaters us "fair player guilds" will thrive and flourish. the key thing i think is to not give up :)

  4. tyvm all, for the positive comments.

  5. Oh, and btw

    SMEXXXy, nice blog. :) (hehe)

  6. Good job, will be nice to see another fair guild doing well.

  7. TTU will always be matter what
