Wednesday, September 23, 2009

when "fair" players turn bad

well hi everyone

well we promised controversial and here it is! now i pride myself on being a fair player i dont use hacks dont train with hackers i do all my levelling by myself. recently i hit lvl 71 and decided to reward myself by trying for a devil. i knew this wouldnt be an easy task but hey im up for challenges lol.well im not naive i know ppl speed in there but what shocked me was to find so called "fair" players and ppl i had actually respected, getting other ppl to hop on their accounts and speed a devil, panda or turtle for them.........sad yes?
so i decided to dig around a bit ask a few questions and see what the deal is.mohamadetta (excuse me if wrong spelling) told me she payed 140mil for someone to speed her 2 devils...waste of money in my opinion lol. xxwolfettexx will quite happily hop on ppls acc as long as their her friend and speed them a costume.and these r just 2 ppl on 2 nights apparently there r more ppl who will do it! makes me wonder tho what happens if u get walled while they zoom to eternity and back.....seems if ur a friend of wolfettes she just hops on msn tells vult it was her sob sob ur unwalled.
and the fair players what r there views? since they werent actually there during this time i can only go on heresay but this was the answer i was given when i asked about it. jocas: im not speed training him i just want a devil like i did for wafaa"
im sorry but WTF??????????? did u not speed to get thru h.o.p? did u not get at least some xp with spiders not to mention apo xp every damn time u sped him??but apparently if ur a "fair" player its all right as long as ur speeder friend dont "train" u.
now before the speeders all say im targeting them because i cant afford speed/ dont know how to use speed etc etc i will tell u that IF i wanted to join ur cheating ways i could in a flash.....but i prefer to play the game the fair way, the way it was intended.
now i do have screenies for all u ppl who might say jocas he would NEVER do this or u "twisted" my words if someone can tell me how to post thewm i would be quite happy to do it.
on a finishing note i'd like to say WTG to a certain person who used to speed but since seeing that meddy and i can do alot without speed has changed thier ways, u know who u r and i think u rock!
well tell me what u think about gettin ppl to speed u a costume. do u think that u should still be classed as a "fair" player????
bye ril


  1. The costumes sadly even drag the so-called 'fair' players down. I've learned a lot about stuff similar to this lately as well. Fair players shouldn't hold hands with the enemy either, makes their position look a bit hypocritical.

  2. costumes...pah
    People just want them to get respected in Eo..whats the point of being respected in an online community.and They just act plain bitchy.

  3. you learned all that from the bridge, in the vines?
    And to call neone who isnt shooting a RPG or a rifle, etc. at you, a enemy is a bit rough yes?(maybe pain in the ass?)

    Neway, it is hypocritical to be teamed with those you know are ruining EO. Sadly, many are doing just that, or borrowing out their chars, (i could never do this, dont know how they can) just for the sake of some pixelated braggin. I agree, AZ, your lookin at mostly level 30 and below, hsing thier way to what they consider to be EO glory. It is sad really. Then when they feel cornered, they throw on thier dev, like it shows they r elite, we all know better. Throw on a 60+ non cheating level, this is impressive to me.

    What i hate most about EO, is how people who would be afraid to even look up at you from their dismal little lives, come on EO and flame everyone they see. Make somone feel bad, to make them feel better. Most of these people are like social throwbacks, but in EO they do whatever strikes their fancy. Anyone who chases, or makes a EO life out of attackin others, is a part of EO's demise as much as the haxers. Man i miss the EO of my early days. The teamwork, the socialness, man, even the beggers i miss. Notice they gone? They all learnd to speed, and to flame, much funner to the average nobody.

  4. BTW Jocas, i can never look at you the same again. All those 'man i hate speeders' you spewed. Lies, i guess? Is a devil or a turtle worth pissin on ur ethics?
    Robbing a bank is illegal,. but u get paid, go do it........I know extreme. But.....Did you know most serial killers start, killin small shit? (bugs, snakes, small animals)....

    Hmm, med u mean people that start by doing small meaninless stuff sometimes*** go on to be bigger criminals??

    Yes, yes they do. Look it up, it is a fact.

    A cheat will always cheat, no matter the reward/ it is not the prize they are after, it is more the adrenalin from not being cought, they seek. The need for this 'drug' only grows.

  5. xxwolfettexx or whatever does not 'hop on' msn with vult- I got a big LOL at that. If she did then she would have all her cheating friends unwalled- no? I'm not sure why cheaters just love to pretend they are 'friends' with vult. I guess being absent like he is theres no one to dispute their claims. For that matter they might as well claim 'friendship' with all the admins. BTW wafaa or whatever does speed- I have seen her myself at vines. They advertise all over the forums getting costumes- pandas and turtles are 5-8 mil and devils I think are 50-60 mil. Besides the speed, they use some auto click hack on the chest spawns. They have it all timed perfectly- they know when spawns will happen. I am going on record to say that it is impossible to obtain a costume without the use of cheats (and I consider buying unlore costumes to be cheating). I'm sorry to any and all 'fair' players that I offend with my attitude and opinions but buying accts and/or duped costumes is against the rules. That is not a gray area and we all know it. My sister tried for months camping out at the chest to get a panda. Personally, I could care less about costumes or colored pixels. I had many cheaters offer to go on my acct for me and do it no problem. I even had someone offer to buy me an unlore panda. My sister is young even by eo standards, but still she knows right from wrong. She said NTY to all who have offered to 'help'.

    Riland- to answer your question- NO!!!!!!!!!! I don't think anyone that had someone else speed on their acct to obtain a costume is still a 'fair' player. Too bad I don't make the rules or can't enforce them.

  6. U didnt know that mohameddatta is cheater?!!? c c c, cant believe:/ that is one of the biggest cheater in all EO world!
    wery sad what some ppl doing to be "rich & famous" and mrs "i dont speed & i hate cheaters"
    shame on u cheaters, bunch of lazy kids.

  7. I saw Mohammedata or w/e (I'll just call it momo) on glb today selling some cook chest hack. He or she or it claims that the hack 'will make sure every spawn is yours'. Add scamming to momo's attributes. To think just a few short months ago momo was autoing rots at vines while dreaming of speeding with the big boys at dragons.

  8. Excellent post, Ril.

    It seems that anymore fair players (and guilds) pick and choose what rules to follow; as long as THEY don't speed the think they're above "normal" cheaters. Truth is, they forget there are no gray areas, that you either play the game fairly or not. Any benefit from cheating, whether it be a devil or some exp, is tainted whether or not they did it themselves. If Arvid walls any "fair" player who pays a speeder to get them a devil good on him; let them rot there.

    Letting speeders on your account for a devil, account trading, training with speeders, etc. If you are alright with any of those just drop the act and start cheating. It would save you the effort of defending your double standards.

    (Sorry if I hi-jacked at all, I tend to ramble xD)

  9. i have to put my hand up and say that tho i had my suspicions about moha i didnt know she used speed etc till the other night my only contact with her was in the biter room with ksing not speeding. and as for wolfettes claims about vult i didnt post that thinking it was gospel just told it how it was told to me........sadly i agree with meddy eo has gone to the shithouse and some days i feel like there r only 2 options left, 1.join the cheaters or 2. delete eo and as neither option appeals to me i will keep on trying to maintain my stance on a non cheating eo is the way to go.
    oh and btw i WILL get my devil even if it takes a yr lol i refuse to take it from a speed drop and will get it the honest way so wish me luck

  10. When good Players turn...
    Wow, Even the Last Hopes as I like to call em are failing us.

  11. Funny shit.

    Yaa i spent 140m for devilz cuz i can afford it : D

  12. "I saw Mohammedata or w/e (I'll just call it momo) on glb today selling some cook chest hack. He or she or it claims that the hack 'will make sure every spawn is yours'. Add scamming to momo's attributes. To think just a few short months ago momo was autoing rots at vines while dreaming of speeding with the big boys at dragons."

    Mohammedatta or Data?

    She has a poser who scams using her name.
