Tuesday, November 3, 2009


OK, caught your attention? lol, the last few weeks have been quite shaky and rude and i thought i could lighten things up a bit........lol....ok i am trying!!
just a few quick things then on to my main topic!
if you have come here to abuse..........leave
if you have come here to criticise my spelling or grammar.............leave
on that note please remember i am AUSTRALIAN......we do not spell every word the same as the u.s.a so many of what you percieve as simple mistakes are not!!
if you have come to discuss or leave a comment that has to do with this post ...........STAY lol

ok now onto my post i was sitting there the other day thinking what is the funniest thing i have seen or done on eo and decided it was time to fess up.........lol
i JUNKED my aw key :(......yep thats right junked ,gone forever lol it happened in the very early hours of the morning and when i realised my mistake there was nothing i could do lol..........and im not the only one to have done this......you know who you are so fess up :p
so i want you to tell me what is the funniest/stupidest thing you have done on eo or maybe its not you maybe its something you have seen someone else do.......either way lets have a laugh at ourselves and lighten up and remember that eo is a game to have fun on
bye for now ril xxxooo

p.p.s at the moment bajz has a award month goin on go check it out have a vote and a good lol as u trip down memory lane its all in good fun!!!!



  1. ok you found me out the other one she told you all about lol. i junked my aw as well lol.well if you didnt know that then were have you been lol.
    so have fun on eo.


  2. lucky a friend gave me this acc so now i have one.lol my old acc is jvdls lol. so if you see me go ahead and lol at me because iam lol at myself about it as well.

    sessame aka jvdls

  3. OMG- I junked my pirate hat- or is it the pirate cap...I don't think I ever knew for sure which was which. The cool black one that you had to stumble all over monkey island looking for. I loved that hat and I'm pretty sure I cried. I was hoping Vult would allow me to do the quest again- but as we know he only rewards cheaters. Maybe if I duped some rat tails or something. I remember for the longest time I hated seeing anyone wearing it- I even tried to start a crusade on glb to get everyone to junk theirs so I wouldn't have to see one. Wonder why I junked something so precious and dear to me? It went something like this- I was trying to prove to my sister that you can't junk a lore item. I figured you can't drop it- it only stands to reason it couldn't be junked. Rather than proving my point with something worthless or replaceable like a love ring or my white robes; I sacrificed my cherished pirate hat. Before an item is junked there should be a box asking 'are you sure?' and again 'are you really, really sure?' Over 2 years has passed since that fateful day and I still feel the pain as if it were yesterday. LOL- just kidding, I'm over it!

  4. lol i dont feel so alone now that i know others have done the same thing.....im with u though mounty when it comes to thing like thats you shouldnt be able to junk them :(

  5. uhhh......i junked my umm dagger? lol

  6. umm.... i have never junked nothing, without wanting to..

    Silly nubs.


  7. yo Ril
    This color's awsome,the text is visible and guys can come here without feeling embarrased to go on a super pink blog (like certain someone's).

  8. one eo ex husband of mine *cough* schleprock *cough* junked a baru he was given as a lvl 8 i think it was cause he thought was ugly.........that was STUPID :p

  9. thanks azareil, this is a blog in progress so idk how long this colour will stay lol any helpful suggestions from fellow bloggers about counters, colours etc?

  10. So basically what you're saying is you should delete your blog.
    Because the only people willing to comprehend your writing (Medcat's writing is fine lol), are your friends. Your little possy of 'fair players'. Mounty, Bajz, Azareil.

    No one will come across this blog.
    And if they do they click away cause it looks like shit.

  11. well u came across this blog..........NOTHING MORE TO SAY lmao

  12. lol me in their posse*? You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

  13. I came across it cause we were all laughing at its failure on Rakuhana.

    Oh lord, I made a spelling mistake. Look at me!

  14. It wasn't a mistake, you intentionally spelled it that way.

  15. Oh sure I did. Just like you're intentionally being an asshole to anyone who apposes you?

  16. Do you even know what oppose* means? I don't recall trying to push any movement or agenda forth for anyone to oppose, but okay. I suppose it is possible to oppose the fact that there is nothing to oppose, but it doesn't make any sense to? Maybe you should ask your Rakutards for help here, you're making quite a big "fail" as you forumtards would say.

  17. Ahem. Just like Medcat said.
    Fair players attacking fair players.
    Thank you for your kind words fellow fper.

  18. You aren't a fair player, you're a troll obviously.

  19. You don't know me, you don't know my in game name. Suddenly because I come from Rakuhana I'm a troll. Okay then =/
