Sunday, November 1, 2009

"It's not my job"


Omfg does it seem like EO is dead? It probably is, i don't know, i wont look at it as dead. I will try to remain more optimistic, even if i am laughed at for it. But i do wonder something. Why have all of you given up?

" I know on EO that the Admins and Mods do not do that, but it’s still on them not us." (to moderate)

Man i have heard this from soOO many people. Oh, its true, none of us have the ability to wall, to warp someone to the maze, or ban them. Duh, really.
But to think we as a group, or even alone, cannot do nothing, is absurd. I say, thank god our soldiers don't think this way, our police, our fireman. "thats someone else's job" "Someone else will do it".......Really? Let it burn!

Don't these people think, that if EVERYONE kills autoers they see, they wont auto? (i do)
I think it IS ever fair PLAYERS (not social networkers) job, to kill on site, autoers and any other cheat you see. I dont really see a clean EO in the future. I do see EO at war. It is quite clearly the cheaters VS the rest of us. Can this 'war' be won? Hell.....idk, but that don't mean I wont fight it. I know some of you wont quit either.

And to address "I mean you can be a fair player, but it doesn't mean you need to stick it down every one elses throats. I can't even look at most of the eo blogs anymore. Fyi. Bebelush hasn't done anything wrong. You guys needa get your facts straight before shouting out bull shit. And Moha? moha doesn't speed xD"

We are not "sticking it down you throat" How did you come to this site? I know we didn't 'click'
you here.

As for you comments to the chars mentioned also....Bull shit? We have our facts straight. Do us all a favor? Go ask Bebe what she thinks we did to her, and what she had done in return. And, ask Moha if she speeds, in the middle of the night, alone(ish) in the corners of EO.....Want a vid clip?



  1. im with u babes im never goin to give up either.
    just to address these annoying trolls who have come to defend the BEB guild, y r they all getting so worked up and outraged over what they percieve as "doing nothing wrong" if i BELIEVE what i am doing is ok then i wouldnt get this upset maybe they just upset that they have finally come under scrutiny??
    considering a few of these characters were actually held in high regard by some eo players its no wonder they so upset lol but the truth is the truth u want to break the rules then face the concequences, dont get pissy at those that "out" u because we believe what we r doing is right.
    as i commented on bajz's website ( link can be found here), TTU still believes a united front on fair players can be achieved and we r willing to do whatever it takes even if ppl still have to revert to personal threats, which btw u DO realise that ur i.p can be traced back to u and u CAN be charged, what u have done is a internet crime and u may feel that u r safe typing away threats on ur pc but ur not EVERYTHING u do on the internet can be traced lol ask any little hacker friend u got, so step up to the plate have a fair debate about y u feel what u do is right or ignore our blog and get on with ur pathetic lives]
    sorry babes i over ran a bit but didnt want to add a new post right after urs
    i miss u and love u and i cant wait till u come back and stand with me once more xxxooo
    ur smexxy

  2. Yaa i want the Vid where im speeding..

    post it!!!

  3. The "want a vid clip" is implied at the bebe attacks. I have screenies too, but they dont really show shit, but poor language. I do read and see how it might be misconstrued. However, i may** have one of you on my laptop. I will get back to you. :) (my laptop is no longer with me, it is in FL, so idk...)

  4. well all i can say is as a guild united we stand and we will never quite, and as for speeders and cheaters hope you get walled and soon.

  5. "Man i have heard this from soOO many people. Oh, its true, none of us have the ability to wall, to warp someone to the maze, or ban them. Duh, really.
    But to think we as a group, or even alone, cannot do nothing, is absurd. I say, thank god our soldiers don't think this way, our police, our fireman. "thats someone else's job" "Someone else will do it".......Really? Let it burn"

    That really is a terrible example, a firefighter does the job they are trained to do, as do police, as do soldiers. A fair player does not have such a job as you are trying to imply with this example.

    Here is the true quote you tried to butcher...

    "The ONLY duty a fair player has is to play the game as it was meant to be played. Killing autoers, speeders, etc., those are NOT duties of a fair player. Fair players are PLAYERS not Moderators, taking care of cheaters is their job not ours. I know on EO that the Admins and Mods do not do that, but it’s still on them not us. Reporting the cheaters does fall on the players duties, but it goes for all players. Or at least it used to, now EO is so messed up reporting is pretty useless."

    The cheaters won the war a long time ago, you want to kill every cheater? You can't. Why? You already know why, you can't track them all down and kill them. If it were that simple it would have been done already. EO is in bad shape, there really isn't anything to be done. I used to think the same thoughts you are thinking now, but I learned that it is futile. When the admins (excluding Arvid) come in and give them the greenlight every single time. Vult has personally rewarded more cheaters for cheating than any fair players for not cheating. In fact, he has never rewarded a fair player, ever.

    There is only so much players can do, and in this case that is very little. We can annoy the cheaters playing habits, but that is about all we have at our disposal. So if you look down the road a bit, and actually see your efforts having an actual effect somewhere then that is great. I hope you can manage to find a way when no one else ever has. Really I do, but this "war" has been going on for a long time. The cheaters only gain, the fair players are all but a handful now.

    Uhhh... I'll stop rambling now, don't use my words to fuel your own ambitions though please.

  6. The ONLY duty a fair player has is to play the game

    go play......

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Newsflash- I found out from Sano that all the bawwing from Camp Raku is over a couple of their cheating friends being walled. Must be why that one dude was bawwwing on here claiming Bebesomething did nothing wrong. Clearly Arvid thinks so- as he walled her LOL. And I guess her BEBmate Wafaa the Speedtard is walled as well. Before Raku comes back here yelling slander- yes, I and everyone else that used to train at vines has seen Wafaa acct speed. They always come out of the woodwork crying when they get walled. Don't do the crime- if you can't do the time. LOL. Wait- isnt she the one that claimed to have a direct line to Vult when her friends get walled. Better call in some favors. Anyway go back to Camp Raku- you won't find any sympathy here.
