Wednesday, October 28, 2009


im notmally a calm person, i tend to be nice but some ppl have pushed me over the limit. apparently due to my blog on devils ( fair players blog) some ppl say they got walled LMFFAO u deserve it u whinging little shits, dont take ur problems out on me because ur sorry asses got walled.
now having a go at me is fine i can laugh it off but no these big ETHUGS think they r so fucking tough sitting behind there keyboard they then proceded to threaten medcatdvets parents lives and then threatened to sexually asault and kill my kids...........R U GOD DAMN FUCKING SERIOUS?????????? u pathetic little cocks seriously need help a good psychiatrist might be able to help u but i think coming face to face with meddy or me in real life is better dont u?
this is a game ppl if u break the rules u get punished with any luck but to threaten ppls lives is just ridiculous, i wish to god u little fag asses lived in australia because ur ass would be dead right now
i have been told that these threats will come real if i continue blogging bout these speeding cheating cocks well i dont care u have now become my favourite blog conversation every time u fuck up im there.
lordshivall/ shivall whoever u r, bebelush and a countless amount of ur pathetic alts u hide behind bring it on!!!
i dont know what other ppl will have to say about this blog but i would be interested to hear ur views, and yes i know eo is a game but when u do this shit it takes this "game" to a new level i think dont u?

btw the blog is back to plain atm till i can figure out what i need to do to get satrs off but keep other elements there lol

till next time have fun and remember being a ETHUG is more pathetic then anything else especially when u really dont know who u r threatening


  1. (Applause) people had it coming :)

  2. LOL Ril- You really have to ask who they think they are? They are little kids that think they run EO; that is until Vult decides to shut the whole experiment down. Then they will be little raging kids. For now they believe they are 'trusted'- they got on the list didnt they? LOL the fated MM list- run by scammers to promote scamming. Just laugh at them- I'm pretty sure everyone else does.

  3. yea, i got a cute pic of the e-thug Shiv threatening my mom, but mostly her pus*sy.
    I will post it, soon.
    Being 6'2, (74inches) and almost 175lbs, (used to push 225), i have little fear. I am CCW licensed and exercise the right every time i can. (ntm whats in my home)

    I say, come over.....

  4. Excuse me but I'm new to this blog and after reading a few blogs.. I could not help but say how pathetic you two are. May we begin with some grammar. First of, learn to spell. There are a good 20-30 grammatical errors in each of the blogs I've read except most from Medcat(GG.). Next, (starting off with "Fair players can do anything a speeder can") False. Speeders are well capable of getting 2-3 million exp a day, can kill dragons/apozen overload/ancient wraith in merely seconds. Mobmfs can kill a dragon in nearly half a second. Clearly, that particular attempt for inspiration is complete fail. Next, ("Fair players and Cheaters") Alright, you want to play the game fair without the use of cheats and such. Good job, but is it REALLY necessary to just about EVERY topic express how much you HATE speeders? C'mon, endless-online had speeders since 2007, are you guys telling me you've been whining that long over a simple game? Which leads to another major question. Why are you both telling the cheaters that they take this game too seriously? Arn't you the ones whining about them just about every day?

  5. Most fair players I know of simply "IGNORE" cheaters and deal with it. But you guys are trying to make some kind of movement thinking this will stop cheaters in all of Endless.

    PS: I am telling you all this not to insult you but to show you how pointless this is. Being a fair player is alright but it's more simple to say NO to cheating and be proud of it. Don't complain. I am a cheater myself but I at the least do not try to have others miserable. -Kbye.

  6. dear anonymous (lol y dont u show ur true identity its easy to hide behind anoniminity and have a dig at others)
    first of all we never claimed we could get the kind of exp speeders do or kill as quick as them we posted that subject after being informed by speeders that we werent capable of killing dragons or aw or new apo without the use of for spelling well im meddys spell checker not u so go complain to someone else, his speeling errors or grammar are nowhere near as bad as anything u see on global on any given day, and as u seem to be new to reading blogs maybe u should do a bit of research u would see that ALL fair players who blog "complain" about cheaters, u think u have a right to speed, we have a right to complain so that comment is validated.
    if we make u miserable by standing up and having a LOUD voice against speeding then maybe u r the one who takes eo too seriously???
    next time i suggest u do a few things before u waste ur time commenting on my blogs
    1.see that not everyone has a thesaurus shoved up their ass
    2.actually research what is being written bye many blogs not just ours
    3.dont hide behind "anonymous" its just as pathetic and childish as hiding behind a alt and flaming ppl if u have valid comments to make and r proud of what u do then there is no need to hide ur identity and if u dont have a google account sign ur name down bottom of ur comment
    KBYE xxxooo


    i would guess, after reading the definition of blog...
    Guess this is our personal journal EO times as WE see them. It is kinda sad to see it attacked, I.E. usage and spelling errors, are you a teacher? :)
    To attack ones opinions is kinda weak. But TYVM for the comments, we will work much harder to apiece the biggest commenter in all of blogland "Anonymous"

  8. Actually there has been speeders since 2005, it started in v.21. But in regards to the death threats... I've had more of those then I can count lol. I think one guy even threatened to kill my dog at one point, tough guys these e-thugs lol.

  9. from me right bajz..i would give away my sister just to get you assisinated..(My sister isnt worth much,to me anyways)..

  10. Riland and Medcat- Try another game. Leave EO to the losers. They don't even have game identities anymore. They keep trading accts- trading up and up- who even knows who they are anymore. I can't even imagine buying and pretending to be someone elses character- just for the sake of obtaining a high lvl or a title. LOL- its pathetic to say the least. Yes, I know they will boast how much money they have made off the game- how many billions @ $3/per million. Have fun counting your pixel money.
    Ril, already accomplished all that matters. You found good friends, you played and pwnd a game that was never deserving of decent players in the first place. Don't let a few loser kiddies bother you. They are laughable at best.

  11. Apologies Stell- old habits die hard.

  12. No Azareil, you're a joke. Which I guess means you do have a lot in common with e-thugs, but you're more like a clown if anything. 8D

  13. No Azareil, you're a joke. Which I guess means you do have a lot in common with e-thugs, but you're more like a clown if anything. 8D

    you suck..i coudnt come up with a good insult

  14. You 'fair-players' have it SO so wrong. I used to look up to people like Wikky, Mounty, Bajz, ..and for what? All you do is cuss out on how much you hate speeders and how lifeless they are and yet.. you guys have been on all these years just doing that. Riland and med only log on to argue on glb about speeders.

    I mean you can be a fair player, but it doesn't mean you need to stick it down every one elses throats. I can't even look at most of the eo blogs anymore. Fyi. Bebelush hasn't done anything wrong. You guys needa get your facts straight before shouting out bull shit. And Moha? moha doesn't speed xD
    You guys don't know anything man.
    I wish Rettan's blog was still up. He's the only fair player I think who still has decency. You guys need to drop it down a notch.

  15. Funny you list Wickedfrost as a fair player you looked up to when he was never worth looking up to, nor was he ever a fair player. You cheat, you ruined the game. You get cussed at, you deserved it. You cried about it, we never cried by saying how pathetic cheaters are. If you think speaking up about something you disagree with is crying, then you are a fascist pig.

    But for the record, cheaters are the ONLY people that use "lifeless" as an insult. The first thing to come out of any cheater when they encounter a fair player is "u no life". Also, I don't recall actually cussing any cheaters out, and I know for a fact Mounty has never cussed ANYONE out for that matter. I do call them losers, and it is true that they are losers. Cheating is the only way losers feel they can win, and in a game as easy as EO... it's downright pathetic. So perhaps you should gather your own facts before you tell someone to get their facts straight. You know... before you make an ass of yourself like you just did now. ;)

  16. I will correct myself, Rettan (The one you said is the only one with decency) is the only one that actually calls cheaters and other idiots "lifeless". Weird he's the only one you still admire.

  17. LOL- Just to set the record straight for Aireka; I have never cussed anyone out- not on EO nor in real life. I don't cuss. Nor do I recall ever claiming to hate anyone. Seeing someone cheat doesn't stir up feelings of hatred in me. I am more apt to laugh something or someone off than I am to attack.
    As for Momo or Moha or whatever you want to call he/she/it- IDK if 'it' speeds or not. I do know 'it' was an autoer once upon a time when 'it' joined my fan club. Ahh hate guilds-gotta love them. They always attract the trash. I couldn't tell you what Momo has evolved into as I don't bother logging on these days. As for Bebelush, ummm...I can honestly say I never heard of her (I assume its a her). So, I'm pretty sure you didn't hear me talking about her. Whoever you are I do find you amusing. I don't stick anything down anyone's throat nor do I even discuss speeders on my blog. I think you have me confused with someone else perhaps. I can bring you some joy though- Rettan's blog is still up and running. I think Ril has it linked in case you lost it. Although you need to do your homework better- I'm pretty sure Rettan enjoys poking fun at cheaters (speeders and such) any chance he gets. Glad I could help clear things up for you.

  18. hi aireka nice name no ones ever heard of u but its all good hiding behind a useless name tends to work for idiots who dont want their idiocy to be out in the open. most of what u have crapped on about here has been addressed by others so i wont go there except to say meddy and i rarely talk on global if we do its to say hi to ppl and WHEN we talk bout speed its mostly to ask those who " NEED a speeder to train me up" y they think speeders r only ones for trainin ppl.
    welcome to blogland lovey make sure before u post u can back ur stuff up as meddy and i NEVER post anything without facts and information to support be a good troll and go back to speedin or w/e u do ok :)

  19. LOL seems to me the only ones I ever hear bawwwing are anonymous wannabe trusted tards. You know the ones that post screenies of themselves all over the forums holding items, transferring items. Get a grip with the whole trading thing. Yes, you have provided countless laughs- but its a game, as you are always quick to remind the rest of us. I get a kick out of you guys that pretend you are making real money- buying European sports cars, vacation homes, fancy shmancy sneakers. LOL! Pixel gold. They even have a Hall of Fame for mming-LOL! Correct me if I'm wrong- but didn't Avamay botch more deals than she came through on? I seem to remember a lot of complaining on glb about that. But nothing that a little duped gold couldn't fix- lol. You guys have it all wrong calling us whiners and complainers. Surely you know we laugh at you and mock your feeble attempts at e-fame. Clearly you care more about what we think of you than vice versa. Otherwise, why would you be on our blogs?

  20. Uhh.. you guys totally trash other players.
    But okay don't admit it. That's cool too.

  21. Oh and uh. The only reason I stumbled upon this blog was cause people posted it on the forums. It's a joke. xD

    Meh I give up, its your little group doing this shizz. Not worth reading any more eo blogs.
    Hopefully Rakuhana's blog will be alot better.

  22. Uhhhhhmmmm.... but yet u commented?

  23. Whats Rakuhana? What players get trashed here? It seems like Aireka was doing all the trashing. Trashed Bajzy and I for no reason.

  24. Um no lol.
    You guys are ALWAYS talking shit about people in Staff and stuff.

    Remember they're still people ^^
