Tuesday, July 28, 2009

27 July 2009 Event Part 1

Hello my fellow Eo’inites. Today I would like to announce a EO EVENT!!! (said with echoes)…. This even will be website based, more then EO, so check back often. For now, all you get to know of it is, well….. nothing. Simply, in comments, recommend what you would like to see as THE prize for a EO EVENT!!!(echoes)

Just a thought, make em kinda big. No “hod”, or “scav”….think bigger.(500k+) What will be required to win this event, will not be small.

Other news….. Forums are down, but you all know this by now. Question time= If layered tech is the one who shut down the forums, will EO be next? With this being the way EO will be perceived perhaps it is a matter of time. I do wish one of the admins, (V) would post to EO's main site, and let his little pixeled world know whats going on. Do you think they might like the rumors flying, or dont care?

Who thinks it is kinda funny, someone, or someones' will be receiving a felony, and have to register as a sex offender, wherever they live, for the rest of their life, for this.(wonder if they think it funny now?) I do feel quite bad for the female, who made the mistake of trust, to this nub, i hope she receives justice.

Well thats it for now, much to comment on, yes??
As always, see u "in game"


P.S> little something for the stat whores -taken a few levels back, too :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ok ppl here goes my first "proper" blog, lol bare with me leave me comments and enjoy!


i am so sick of logging on to eo to be abused.whether its abuse towards me or just abuse in general its getting very boring and old.you can no longer go on global without some idiot saying a "yo mamma"joke, or abusing someone because they think they are tough. it used to be global was there for merching or letting all of eo to know something, now we have non stop advertising of private servers, sick idiots looking for sex on webcam,girls willing to sell sex for gold,and everything in between.

when did we as a "community" start saying this was ok to do. when did the ppl of eo stop caring about how they treated each other and started caring more about how much "tougher" they were or how much better they were? where in your everyday life do u get away with calling ppl the names u do on eo or disrespecting ppl?

i can hear some of u already saying "gee its a game lighten up" but that is my point EXACTLY, it is a game designed to have fun socialise and relax, if i wanted to hear abuse that we see on global hourly I'm sure i could find it in my "real life" very quickly.i personally find it very offending to be called a bitch/slut/whore and i can guarantee u that there r plenty more like me who don't find it fun.maybe before u call someone on eo something derogatory u should stop and think " would i say that to anyone in my life that i deal with"? if the answer is NO then don't waste ur time typing it on a game.

so back to my topic header i feel its all about RESPECT ppl, respect ur fellow players they r ppl just like u who dont deserve ur rantings because u want to feel "cool"
but most of all RESPECT urself, because at the end of the day the way u feel about urself will shine through, those with self respect always get much further in this life............

till next time
ril xxxooo

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

28 July 2009 Goodbye Endless Report

EllllOOOO all.......

I am gonna say, i did like blogging for wiki. What i didnt like, was all the rules i had to follow. Here i have no such restraints, YEAAAA!!!! (ut-oh)

Well...... To Prince Wiki.....(why prince, idk ask him, i find it odd myself).. Why did u hire EO bloggers to stifle them? I posted that i was gonna do interviews, and more, for his site. His response, to come out of retirement, and talk about a MOVIE?>?>?>> wtf? The way i see it, he was a little worried, cus i was getting popular. OUCH. Ntm, pointing out my post, as his reason for coming back, like we didnt all see that anyway. I am sorry, but this is more like a princess, then a prince. I used to think you were a fake poser. Then i decided to join your blog, when u advertised for new reporters. I did what you asked, hell i was nice, and cordial like you asked. Well, long story short, i still think you fake.

As for some EO news.......

Who is stealing from Arvid? This i dont know. But... what i do know is.... He has your I.P. He has your whereabouts, and is working on getting you put in jail. Dont people understand you cannot steal from another. I.E. ATLAS???? All i can say is this, if you made,helped made, play on, or even know of a mirror serve delete it. "My brother did it" wont work here.

There is/has been rumors of the V29 coming soon. All i can to this is.... idk (hehe)
Nono, :P I have heard and seen this rumor, coming up more and more. Of all the friends i have on eo (.6), i cannot substantiate this. I do think it is coming, the signs are there.

Well, as always, see you in game :P


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

sorry people i know we said that we would post in the next few days when we made site but life has a way of getting in the way of eo lol. as of this moment meddy and i are taking a long earnt break for a couple of weeks to deal with our "real life" lol.
for the next couple of weeks excpect to see us less on eo (yes go on and sigh with relief lol)and this blog has taken a backseat but we WILL be back soon with a great first "real" blog.
on a personal note tyvm to those who are supporting me at the moment i appreciate ur kind thoughts while i sort out my health
anyways love to u all

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hi people of eo,welcome to a blog where you will get all the hard hitting non political talk of eo. this site will go where most dare not to. the controversial, the unpopular and sometimes downright unsavoury aspects of eo. whilst we admire plenty of other blog sites that are out there meddy and i feel that something is lacking .
please bare with us as we get this site up and running, as i have had absolutely 0 experience in blog sites lol, (tyvm to rettan for helping me out with a few bloggin things btw).
ok so who are we????????? well im rilandsmrs aka stell and ive been playing eo for almost 2yrs now.i believe that im a fair honest player and would like to make eo a fun clean place to be again. if you have any comments please feel free to leave them along with suggestions but we ask you try to be respectful to us and mainly to yourself!
Ello all I am Medcatdvet, or medcat to most.
I have been playing for over 2 years now. I train a lot! Most of you will find that I am kinda rude, if you don’t know this already. Lol.
I am a blogger for this, new site. I will do my best to report the truth, as I see it, on all things EO.
Me and my EO wife, Rilandsmrs, will be the contributors to this blog, and we hope you will come, and come often
Comments are loved, but please, keep it EO, no real life dramas here.
Many other site love that, drama… We Love EO. So, if you have the same love, join us in our quest for a clean, fun EO once again.
so look back in a few days and we hope to have our first "real"blog for you to read. i assure you it will be "out there , funny and maybe a bit sad too"
Bye for now ril and meddy