well hi everyone
well we promised controversial and here it is! now i pride myself on being a fair player i dont use hacks dont train with hackers i do all my levelling by myself. recently i hit lvl 71 and decided to reward myself by trying for a devil. i knew this wouldnt be an easy task but hey im up for challenges lol.well im not naive i know ppl speed in there but what shocked me was to find so called "fair" players and ppl i had actually respected, getting other ppl to hop on their accounts and speed a devil, panda or turtle for them.........sad yes?
so i decided to dig around a bit ask a few questions and see what the deal is.mohamadetta (excuse me if wrong spelling) told me she payed 140mil for someone to speed her 2 devils...waste of money in my opinion lol. xxwolfettexx will quite happily hop on ppls acc as long as their her friend and speed them a costume.and these r just 2 ppl on 2 nights apparently there r more ppl who will do it! makes me wonder tho what happens if u get walled while they zoom to eternity and back.....seems if ur a friend of wolfettes she just hops on msn tells vult it was her sob sob ur unwalled.
and the fair players what r there views? since they werent actually there during this time i can only go on heresay but this was the answer i was given when i asked about it. jocas: im not speed training him i just want a devil like i did for wafaa"
im sorry but WTF??????????? did u not speed to get thru h.o.p? did u not get at least some xp with spiders not to mention apo xp every damn time u sped him??but apparently if ur a "fair" player its all right as long as ur speeder friend dont "train" u.
now before the speeders all say im targeting them because i cant afford speed/ dont know how to use speed etc etc i will tell u that IF i wanted to join ur cheating ways i could in a flash.....but i prefer to play the game the fair way, the way it was intended.
now i do have screenies for all u ppl who might say jocas he would NEVER do this or u "twisted" my words if someone can tell me how to post thewm i would be quite happy to do it.
on a finishing note i'd like to say WTG to a certain person who used to speed but since seeing that meddy and i can do alot without speed has changed thier ways, u know who u r and i think u rock!
well tell me what u think about gettin ppl to speed u a costume. do u think that u should still be classed as a "fair" player????
bye ril
10 years ago