Wednesday, October 28, 2009


im notmally a calm person, i tend to be nice but some ppl have pushed me over the limit. apparently due to my blog on devils ( fair players blog) some ppl say they got walled LMFFAO u deserve it u whinging little shits, dont take ur problems out on me because ur sorry asses got walled.
now having a go at me is fine i can laugh it off but no these big ETHUGS think they r so fucking tough sitting behind there keyboard they then proceded to threaten medcatdvets parents lives and then threatened to sexually asault and kill my kids...........R U GOD DAMN FUCKING SERIOUS?????????? u pathetic little cocks seriously need help a good psychiatrist might be able to help u but i think coming face to face with meddy or me in real life is better dont u?
this is a game ppl if u break the rules u get punished with any luck but to threaten ppls lives is just ridiculous, i wish to god u little fag asses lived in australia because ur ass would be dead right now
i have been told that these threats will come real if i continue blogging bout these speeding cheating cocks well i dont care u have now become my favourite blog conversation every time u fuck up im there.
lordshivall/ shivall whoever u r, bebelush and a countless amount of ur pathetic alts u hide behind bring it on!!!
i dont know what other ppl will have to say about this blog but i would be interested to hear ur views, and yes i know eo is a game but when u do this shit it takes this "game" to a new level i think dont u?

btw the blog is back to plain atm till i can figure out what i need to do to get satrs off but keep other elements there lol

till next time have fun and remember being a ETHUG is more pathetic then anything else especially when u really dont know who u r threatening

Sunday, October 18, 2009

another quick update lol

ok so i changed the white as i thought i was going blind.......... lol sorry my babes but white is OUT. this yellow is best i could find since it wont let me have glittery colours ( yes i know but come on guys i AM a chick u know :p ),there will be a proper post from me in next few days once i can get all the info i need........not easy as what im doing is hampered by pesky keylogger pages...........GRUNTAGE!!!!
on another quick note ttu is tryin to recruit but its so damn hard to find nice honest ppl these days that arent already in other nice clean fair guilds......wonder if a superguild might be an idea???? anyways idk its 1:30am and i not makin much sense lol
till next time keep havin honest fun
xxxooo ril
p.s ril is ok if u cant remember stell lol
p.p.s anyone know if u can add those nice colourful widgets to a blog like u get on myspace?????? and for the love of god a decent chatbox that doesnt lodge itself in my topic post???

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Look

As you can see, this is a work in progress :)

We are trying new looks, please make comment as to what we can do, or have done, that looks good. (tried to fit in do-do for u Dax) Please be constructive.

Short and sweet yes? hehe. We will post something normal soon. For now, see=


As always, see you IN game

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fair Players can play EO too- be suprised?

I just wanted to show, and will more, that non-speeders can do, and DO do, whatever the speeders can. Here you see not one, but two dragons being laddered. Laddering, what a forgotten art. We kill everything that is in EO. We can kill Apoz overlord, the new one. We can clear AW blocks with 4 or 5 AW, right at the door. We can do everything in EO. I will show us clearing the AW room, one of the hardest things in EO to do.
I have been told, that even at my level, i cannot tank a AW. ARE YOU KIDDING? You newb hsers have no damn idea. I've been tanking AW's since i was in my 40's. Speeders have no idea how to PLAY EO. I can come up to a dragon, or w/e and speed it dead, it is not hard. (no ive NEVER SPED!) A MORON can do this. The real talent is in knowing you are not able to do it alone, and using teamwork, u pawn. I have been told that i would die killing a simple proto. I can kill one, without the use of a single potion. I have been told that i cannot tank a dragon. I can, and while holding one also.
In short, all you fuc*ing speeders got no idea how to play this little game..... SAD! You sad bastards really think your the cream of the crop. Your the bottom of the barrel.
See, one thing you morns seem to forget. We EARNED our levels. Most of you, bought your chars, (from good friends who quit:( ...) and have no idea what your doing. I've seen it. Hell i killed 2 in Apoz overlord last night. (you know who you are)
Lastly, it is every fair players DUTY to KILL every autoer you see. Every speeders, low leveled must die too. Uniting will do little, but we must.

TTU is recruiting, we are looking for people who got a even a little excited at this post. you know the rules. No nothing but clean pure playing. If we can figure out how to fairly smoke them, we will win this war.
