Friday, December 11, 2009


So hi all, its been over a month and i have only logged on 2 times lol, 1time to say hi to old friend and once to train for 30min.........cant say im missing eo at all just a few ppl on it lol.
On a personal note im a very proud mother today ( well more then normal), my daughter savannah was elected school leader for 2010 ( a VERY big deal in australian primary schools lol) and my son jnr made student council. My kids never fail to astound me, and i love them all to death lol.
On a eo note, nothing happening, another dupe YAY!!! More decent players quit, more wankers started playing and in general another month of a not so painless death. Meddy is still "AWOL" idk if we be back at all.
Until next time
xxxooo ril